Moms of Faith-Proverbs 31 Study

Proverbs 31 and Betond Marraige Course

Monday, November 7, 2011

Homemade Laundry Soap/Dish Soap/Fabric Softener

It's Monday and Monday's are wash days.  Clothes that is :)  Got up early this morning and made my homemade laundry soap, fabric softener, and dish soap.  It's so much cheaper to make your own things, rather than buying them at a store.  I will share with you my recipes and maybe it will help out some of you if you don't already make your own.

Homemade Laundry Soap--
1/3 bar of FelsNaptha (grated)
1/4 cup washing soda
1/4 cup borax
1 gallon jug

(This makes one gallon of laundry soap)

Put grated soap and three (3) cups of water in saucepan and heat it until the soap dissolves.  Remove from heat.  Pur two (2) cups of hot water into your gallon jug.  Add soap mixture, washing soda and borax and shake up/mix.  Add 1/2 gallon of waer to this and mix up again.  Let sit for 24 hours.  Use 1/2 cup per load of laundry.

Homemade Fabric Softener--
2 cup baking soda
4 cups of hot water
2 cup vinegar

(This makes about 1/2 gallon of fabric softener)

In a bowl, put baking soad and hot water and mix well.  Add in vinegar.  Stir until blended well.  (When you add in the vinegar, this will make bubbles and foam, so pour slowly.)

Add 1/4 cup to your rinse cycle.

Homemade Dish Soap--
1/4 cup soap shavings (you can use any kind of bar soap..ivory, FelsNaptha, etc..)
2 cups hot water
1 teaspoon lemon juice

(This makes one 12.6 fl oz bottle)

Put soap shavings into saucepan along with the water.  Stir mixture and keep heating until soap melts.  Don't bring to a boil. Allow soap micture to cool for a bit, then stir in the lemon juice.  Let cool completely and pour into your dish soap bottle.

Hope you enjoy as we do.  It is healthier and better for your family and it is cheaper by far than spending all that money at the grocery store!


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Homeschooler Moms...we have a Facebook Party to go to on Tuesday Night!

Come join me and a whole lotta other mommies!  Awesome giveaways....good friends....equals= GOOD TIMES!!

T-Mobile Giveaway: Win myTouch or myTouch Q and a $50 T-Mobile Gift Card

Go visit to sign up for TMobile giveaway!  Every mom could use a little something to help keep you on track!  My phone is about four years old, so I am taking a leap of faith and eagerly waiting to see who gets it!!  Come on, what do you have to lose??  Have a blessed day!

Third Grade Interactive Math Curriculum Review & Giveaway...

Hop on over to

They are having a giveaway for a Third Grade Math CD.  If you have a third grader, be sure to check this out.  I already have and am eagerly waiting!  I love any resources that can help me out.  This is our first year of homeschooling, so any help is greatly appreciated and needed!  Have a blessed day!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Children's "AHAA" moments...

It's such a day maker when, as a homeschool mom, to see the EXACT moment when one of your children have the "light bulb" come on...the ahaa moment...when learning something new.  Today my youngest started learning multiplication....yes....grrr.  She was getting frustrated because she wasn't "getting" it.  I told her to just stop, take a breather.  We came back to the table and as I showed her on could start to see the moment coming.  As we practiced again and again....all of a sudden.....TA DA....the "ahaa" moment came to light.  Makes me proud but I couldn't have done it without our lord!  She is stubborn, to say the least.  She wants to do things her way, then after she sees it's not working out, she comes back to us to be showed the right way. 
Children are so awesome, they can try your patience and your sanity, but all that is how we get to where we are today! 

November Already...

Wow, it is hard to believe it is November already!  Our children are steadily getting the hang of being home schooled.  It was definitely a change for them coming from three and four years of public school.  Yesterday we made a Thankful Tree for the month of November.  They are excited to write something everyday on a leaf and put it on the tree.  I pray they really understand the meaning behind it before the end of November, as I am explaining the reasoning behind it daily.  I will keep you updated! 
Please share you ideas that you are doing throughout November to help your children understand the meaning of being :thankful".